Give Me 7 Days and I'll Help You Get 10 Hours Back Each Week in

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Learn to ethically collaborate with AI so you can finally stop feeling overhwhelmed, get way more done in way less time, and grow your small business with ease.


AI does over HALF the work I juggled a year ago! And I want this for you too.

I can help you:

🚀 10x your productivity and feel more creatively inspired and fulfilled in your business than ever before

🌱 Scale your impact without burning out or feeling constantly exhausted

💰 Boost your income by having AI do some of your most time-consuming tasks while you focus on your zone of genius

⏰ Reclaim 10 hours each week for what —and who —matters most to you

And more!



Discover the secret to making it all happen with ease.

You've been on the journey, soaking up knowledge and inspiration, but let's face it: The path from idea to manifestation can feel like pushing a boulder uphill.

You're no stranger to wearing multiple hats—the visionary, the strategist, the creative force, the copywriter, the task master, the scheduler. You're fueled by a relentless passion to make a meaningful impact and share your unique genius with the world.

But amidst the chaos of running a business, it's easy to feel like you're swimming against the tide, struggling to find the time and energy for the work that truly sets your soul on fire.

I get it. With over two decades of business-building under my belt (and really a lifetime of entrepreneurship since I set up my first lemonade stand at age 4), I know what it takes to create, build, and launch and grow a successful business or an offer. I've also burned out, gone through my fair share of challenges, and questioned on many occasions whether all the stress is worth it.



Breaking the bank by hiring expensive contractors or team members

Drowning in a sea of new tech skills and costly tools

Living in a constant state of burnout and overwhelm

Sacrificing precious moments of your personal life for your business dreams

Until this very moment, you’ve been held back by your and your team’s ability to work harder and longer.


It's not about replacing your creativity or passion, it's about amplifying your strengths and streamlining your workflow, so you can focus on what truly matters: bringing your boldest visions to life.

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That’s where I step in…

I’ve decoded AI for purpose-driven entrepreneurs and heart-led businesses.

Because I've seen and experienced the struggles that come with running a company first hand—the exhaustion and burnout, the challenges, limiting beliefs, fears, and self doubt we have to overcome to do the work in the world that supports our mission.


✔️ Cut my workload in half

✔️ Take a summer sabbatical while my AI Dream Team still helped me ensure we still met deadlines on projects near and dear to my heart

✔️ Amplify my message, craft more irresistible offers, and serve a broader client base

✔️ Embrace the tasks and to-dos in my business with newfound freedom and creativity

No matter what I’m working on in my business and my life, I integrate my AI Dream Team.

And when YOU adopt this approach as well? Brace yourself for growth beyond your wildest dreams.

Mastering your AI partnership is the ultimate shortcut to ignite your business growth and multiply your impact—

in record time.
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How will it feel when you finally…?

  • Expand the reach of your brand message effortlessly, without draining your energy
  • Develop a marketing strategy that rivals those of top-dollar consultants
  • Access the wisdom and guidance of a seasoned, successful CEO, right by your side for every strategic move and decision
  • Craft and execute a quarterly plan that authentically aligns with your vision
  • Propel your signature course to launch with the seamless support of your AI team, hurdling over obstacles with ease
  • Finally carve out time to prioritize your health and well-being—guilt-free

Reaching your big goals and wild dreams has never been more within reach…

7-FIGURE BUSINESS —without needing the budget of one.


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The only ethical AI training designed for heart-led entrepreneurs like you—that will accelerate your business growth without ever burning out—or running out—of time, money, and passion.


💡 The CEO

Partner with a seasoned business guru to navigate an inspired direction, analyze your data, and chart a course for future success.

📉 The Marketing Strategist

Ditch the cookie-cutter campaigns. Your Marketing Strategist will craft tailored strategies and fine-tune your content for maximum ROI.

📲 The Social Media Expert

Leave the algorithm updates to your Social Media Expert. They’ll build vibrant communities and boost brand awareness while you focus on what truly matters.

🎨 The Content Creator

No more bland content. Your Content Creator will whip up captivating text, stunning visuals, and engaging videos that keep your audience hooked.

📋 The Project Manager

Say hello to a savvy sidekick who can streamline workflows, optimize processes, and ensure project success—so you can focus on the big picture.

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Within just a week of starting AI Dream Team, you can reclaim 10 hours in your week.


  • Have a fully assembled AI Team, each member perfectly suited to propel your business forward and champion your mission in the world.
  • Feel confident harnessing the power of Chat GPT, Gemini, and other AI tools to support your unique goals, effortlessly streamline tasks, and get back precious hours each week.
  • Generate mind-blowing results powered by AI, from razor-sharp marketing copy to captivating content and ingenious solutions—all achieved with minimal effort.
  • Catapult your impact and income by magnifying your message, extending your reach to serve more clients, and building wealth that resonates with your soul’s deepest calling.
  • Be ready to lead the charge into the future, utilizing this powerful technology with grace, efficacy, and unwavering ethics.

Here’s what’s waiting for you
when you join AI Dream Team:

4 Foundational Trainings

4 Foundational Trainings to lay the groundwork for a thriving AI partnership so you can build your Dream Team with precision and integrity

5 Team Building Guidebooks

5 Team Building Guidebooks with step-by-step instructions to help you tailor each member of your Dream Team exactly the way you want to

A Supportive Community

A supportive community to connect, collaborate, and celebrate your wins with like-minded leaders who are on the same AI-powered journey.

5 Bonus Lifestyle Roles

5 Bonus Lifestyle Roles crafted to support your personal well-being, health, and productivity goals

My 3 Cs Prompt Framework™

For Getting the BEST AI Results

Getting stellar results from AI is all about how you collaborate with it and what you input in order to get the best output.

In order to master your AI Partnership, you’ll learn my unique prompting formula focused on three key areas…

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Using my simple 3 Cs Framework is as EASY as sending text-messages or chatting online!

Then THIS Is What Becomes Possible:

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AI Dream Team Foundations

This is where your journey with AI begins: laying the groundwork for seamless collaboration, stellar results, and the profound impact you're destined to make.

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AI Dream Team Roles

Get ready for the exciting part! Dive into these 5 guidebooks and shape your AI Dream Team using our Natalie-designed prompting guides for every pivotal role in your business.

Bonus Lifestyle Roles

Ready to unlock the full potential of AI in your life too? Let's develop roles tailored to support your day-to-day demands.

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AI Dream Team is for you

if you...

✔ Are an entrepreneur who recognizes the need for a larger team but lacks the resources to make it happen

✔ Suffer the exhaustion of wearing a million different hats in your business

✔ Fear there will never be enough hours in the day to accomplish all you are meant to achieve

✔ Juggle multiple jobs and struggle to find time to nurture your dream business

✔ Often stretch your budget thin to sustain a small support team

✔ Secretly wish you had a team like mine, thinking, "If only I had the support system Natalie does..."

Oh, HI! That’s me…

I’m Natalie.
Hopeful Futurist. Emmy Award-Winning Interactive Producer. Bestselling Author. Business & Leadership Coach.

Those who know me will tell you—I've always been an early adopter in every field I've ventured into. Embracing emerging opportunities led me to start a blog (in the very early days of blogging) that became an international sensation, write 5 best-selling books, earn an Emmy for producing the world’s first 360 degree (virtual reality style) feature documentary, build multiple seven-figure businesses, and live a prosperous and freedom-based life I once only dreamed of.

But honestly? It wasn’t always easy.

As a young girl, I watched my parents work really hard. I internalized that behavior, believing success had to come from relentless grind and hard labor. While this mindset propelled me forward early in my career, I experienced burnout building my first two companies and I yearned for something more. A different kind of success. A different experience.

With my third company, I committed to doing things radically different. I prioritized my self care over analytics and results. It was great for me personally, but I felt like I was letting my team down and holding back the growth of the business.

And then, as if a fairy godmother came and granted my biggest Business Wish—Chat GPT was released along with some epic AI tools. THAT changed EVERYTHING.

This was the future, a future I had been waiting for, and I was eager to embrace it.

I experimented with prompting, and as more tools became available, I tested those and built new workflows integrating those tools into my business too. The results were mind blowing.

Suddenly, no matter what I was working on in my business, AI was there to support me. I started working less hours, but getting a LOT more done. I felt inspired and more productive than ever before. And now, almost two years in, I'm excited to share what I've learned with you.

I'm determined to help purpose-driven, heart-led entrepreneurs to finally have the support they have always wanted…

And thus, AI Dream Team was born.

It holds the power to level the playing field for entrepreneurs like you—who bear the weight of wearing too many hats, and deserve so much more freedom and ease as they grow impactful businesses.

If you’re…

  • An entrepreneur, leader, coach, or course creator eager to bring your work to the world
  • Heart-led, conscious, and driven not just by profit, but by the desire to make a meaningful impact
  • Committed to sharing your personal genius and the message burning in your heart
...I want to guide you on this journey.

This opportunity is a game-changer, plain and simple. If you embrace your AI partnership, and follow my proven framework, I guarantee it will amplify your reach and multiply your impact as a transformational leader. And the more of us using AI ethically and for good, the brighter our collective future will be.

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Here’s The Real Cost of Figuring Out
AI On Your Own

Compare AI Dream Team to Going It Alone

Tools, Training, and Guidance

AI Dream Team

Going It Alone

4 Foundational Trainings to understand how AI works

5 team-building guidebooks to develop your core AI team members

My 3 Cs Framework for prompting to get the best AI results fast

Flexible learning to build the team roles you need now

An understanding of the ethical and future implications of your partnership with AI and how to use it for good

Quickly get ahead of businesses choosing NOT to use AI to increase productivity

A short-cut guide to the tools that will actually work

Video demonstrations of top tested tools and how to use them

A private community of visionary entrepreneurs

Need to be tech-savvy and learn new platforms and skills

Purchased tools, APIs, and subscriptions to produce similar results (up to $1,000 a month!)

Guess and check self-training to generate potentially useful results

Dedicate unknown amount of hours and months to develop a prompting system that works


for 12 months access to the course AND community!

Up to $1,000 PER MONTH


Ready to unleash your visionary genius and
let AI handle the rest?


Here’s The Real Cost of Figuring Out
AI On Your Own

Compare AI Dream Team to Going It Alone


Ready to unleash your visionary genius and
let AI handle the rest?

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You’ll Also Get Access to $1,000 in Bonus Resources to Make Your Progress Even Faster…

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📔 Bonus #1: Your Guide to the Best AI Tools (value $250)

Because selecting the right tools can be a game-changer.

Join me—Natalie—in these video demonstrations as I unveil how I personally leverage AI in my business, guiding you through my tried-and-tested tools.

<< HINT: Relying solely on ChatGPT? You're missing out on the full potential of AI! >>

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💻 Bonus #2: Access to the AI Dream Team Inner Circle (value $500)

Join an exclusive online community of visionary entrepreneurs

Connect with a vibrant community of fellow entrepreneurs who are building their AI Dream Teams alongside you. Share your wins, get inspired, ask questions, and unlock the power of collaboration in a safe, supportive space.

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🔒 Bonus #3: The AI Dream Team Prompt Vault (value $250)

Your Personalized AI Prompt Library

Get organized and inspired with our pre-built Master Prompt Library spreadsheet, already packed with all the prompts from the course. Never start from scratch again! Easily customize, categorize, and access your prompts for maximum efficiency and AI-powered productivity.

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Dreamer, Visionary, Friend —

the choice is yours.

AI is not just the future—it's here, right now. You can either embrace it today or struggle to catch up tomorrow. By the end of this decade, businesses that fail to fully integrate AI will be left behind. It's not a matter of if, but when. If you're not leveraging AI, you're not just falling behind—you're jeopardizing your future in your industry.

That is the stark reality.

But within this challenge lies a tremendous opportunity:

To harness the power of AI ethically AND be in a place to lead the future.

Think of it this way: AI is a rapidly-maturing child. By collaborating with it ethically and consciously, you're shaping its growth to be more compassionate, equitable, and impactful. You have the chance to influence the trajectory of this powerful force.

Now is your moment to make a difference, and also open yourself up to the limitless possibilities and opportunities that exist for early adopters.

I wholeheartedly believe you were destined for this moment.

AI is reshaping the world. How will it shape yours?

Your Questions Answered