Everything I create is designed to serve your most powerful, passionate self --
Read on to dive into our collection of award-winning products that tens of thousands of people around the world use to connect to their highest truth, plan their days to focus on what matters most, and map businesses built around their soul's work and creative expression.
-- whether you’re re-imagining your life and what's possible for you right now, taking your business to the next level and ready to reach more people, or want to shift the way you live, work, and play.

The Rituals
This transformative journal guides readers through daily rituals and writing exercises for gratitude, renewal, and self-care.
... featuring 36 practices to experience more joy, tap into your highest purpose, release stress, nourish your body, deepen your relationships, and so much more.


The most gorgeous business planning workbook ever created, combining play with creative flow.
It was selected by Amazon as one of the best business books for the launch of the flagship Amazon Bookstores. Dive in and see why tens of thousands of entrepreneurs use The Conquer Kit.
Conquer Your Year
The simple weekly planner to stay on track with your entrepreneurial goals -- and the ultimate complement to implement the big plans you made in The Conquer Kit.