The Morning Dream Routine With Jim Kwik

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“I think I had a dream last night?”

“Oh my gosh you were in my dream last night — it was so weird!”

“I kept having the weirdest dreams last night, I don’t know why…”

We all sleep, we all dream. It’s your brain continuing to problem-solve and reflect on the day, wayyy after you’ve crashed.

As entrepreneurs, our sleep is crucial.

Why? Because although we’re not technically working after we drift off — our brain still is.

As many of you know, my sleep is super important to me. If you haven’t already — go check out my Instagram highlight to see how I go through a routine each night that helps me get the best sleep possible.

But some of you might not know why dreams and their power are particularly important to me and to She Takes on the World. Let me tell you a story…

10 years ago I was fast asleep — a younger, red-haired, ambitious Natalie, recharging my body after a full day of crushing it.

Sleep mask on, essential oils sprayed, silk pillow fluffed and cuddled — I drifted away on a sea of slumber. When suddenly, I had a vision!

It came out of nowhere — but I’ll never forget it. The name: She Takes on the World. The company: a media company for coaching and creating with female entrepreneurs ready to make their visions a reality. The future: wide open.

I woke up, jotted the whole thing down, and here we are…

… Which brings me to this week’s #Monday Motivation episode of She Takes on the World.

This time around, Jim Kwik is back for another installment of the Kwik Habits series. This time, we’re talking all about morning routines — one of my absolute FAVORITE topics of discussion.


I love my morning routine: filled with green juice, essential oils and buckets of gratitude. If you haven’t seen my breakdown of how I spend the first couple minutes of my day — I also have an Instagram highlight for that if you want to check it out.

But one essential component that I’m missing is reflection on my dreams and making them as much a part of my day as they are a part of my brain’s night.

Tune into this  week’s #MondayMotivation episode, where we cover:

  • Jim’s morning routine that helps his brain, and him, have a great day
  • How to prep yourself and your bedroom for the most restful sleep possible
  • Why your phone should NEVER be the first thing you touch when you wake up
  • Jim’s D.R.E.A.M.S. technique for remembering, recording and sharing your dreams

Ready for your challenge for this week?


Use Jim’s D.R.E.A.M.S. technique EACH DAY to record and share your dreams with others. Try to take at least a minute or two, right when you wake up to write them down and see what comes up when you do!

D(decide): Decide to remember your dreams. If you set your intention, you’re more likely to do it!

R(ecord): Record those dreams! This is where the magic happens. Keep a pen and paper right by your bed, try not to use your phone, and write it all down!

E(yes): Try to train those eyes to stay closed as soon as you wake up! This will keep the outside world from distracting you and you’re more likely to remember those delicious dreams you just had.

A(ffirmations): Us entrepreneurs loooove our affirmations! Give your dreams some love! Tell yourself “I will have good dreams tonight! I’m gonna remember my dreams tonight!”

M(anage): Manage that sleep — this is a big one. If you don’t sleep well, you might not dream well or want to record your dreams. Blackout the room, turn OFF the phone, spray some calming scents, do what you gotta do to set yourself and your surroundings up for success!

S(hare): Last but not least, share! Get out there and share those amazing dreams because the more you do that, the more they have value, and the more likely you are to keep developing this amaaazing habit.

Let’s take this next week to get in touch with our inner world and our dreams. Who knows — your next big company, idea or breakthrough might come out of it!

Keep me updated on all of it — I wanna hear everything so reach out on Facebook, Instagram or right here in the comments.

Good luck and sweet dreams!


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