Last week I sent out a big update about my decision to let go of She Takes on the World and launch nataliemacneil.com as the new digital home for my work. She Takes on the World was the last part of my old life and identity I was still clinging to. It feels scary, exhilarating, and very liberating for me to be embarking on this new adventure.
In the video below, my dear friend Alyssa Nobriga interviews me about this transformation, the pain I experienced, and how I finally let go and embraced what I was being called to.
Is there anything you are clinging to in your life? If you let it go, what may open up for you?
This is the question I invite you to explore as you watch this interview:
I know my life hasn’t looked conventional. If you’re reading this, I imagine you’re destined for an unconventional life, too.
In the video, I share how I let go of a ten-year relationship, left the city I grew up in, left my family and my closest friends, and moved from Canada to Los Angeles to follow the calling on my heart. I arrived with a yoga mat and a suitcase. It was terrifying for me, and it felt like everything was beyond my control. That brought me into a place of pure surrender.
I christened the floor of the room where this video was shot with a flood of tears. I couldn’t “hold it together” and for the first time in my life, I allowed myself to really unravel, honoring everything that was coming up. I allowed myself to fully feel the grief of the transition – the letting go of the life I left behind.
Feeling those feelings so fully left me like a blank slate, ready to expand into my new reality.
A pivotal moment arrived in both my life and Alyssa’s life the night we met, and that’s what made her a perfect person to interview me about my journey. We share more about that moment in the video, and what it meant for each of us.
I want to leave you with two things today:
- Thank you. I am so deeply grateful for the love and massive support I felt through the hundreds of emails that flooded my inbox when I announced I was rebranding to nataliemacneil.com. My heart is soaring. A million thanks. (And if you missed last week’s big update email, read the blog post here.)
- You have full permission. Not that you need it! But sometimes we’re praying for a nudge in a new, bolder direction. Consider this your sign. You’re ready to be more of you. To follow your heart and what feels true.
If you’re enjoying this new direction, I am inviting you on a glorious adventure. Get started with my Futuring Ritual that I recorded for you to be guided through a practice I use to transform my life and business. Download it here for free.
If you’re not rollin’ with it, that’s totally okay too! You can hop off the train. Thank you for following my journey this far. It’s been my deep honor and privilege sharing it with you.
I am fully committed to being all of me because I believe when we each show up as our full selves, that is one of the greatest contributions we can give the world. More to come!
All my love,
Ready to choose and create your dream future now?
Download my guided Futuring Ritual MP3