OK, you got me.
I can’t hold it in any longer.
I have to gush about something for a sec:
I’m so grateful that I get to spend so much of my time helping people all over the world (like you) achieve their goals.
I know — it sounds pretty nerdy (and it is) but I refuse to be shy about dishing out my gratitude!
I’m so lucky to help people be who they want to be in the world.
And, after helping hundreds of people pass their milestones, crush their goals, and keep going, I’ve noticed something:
The most essential element of powerful, consistent goal achievement goes beyond just staying encouraged, productive, and focused.
In fact, this “essential element” is the reason why goal setting and goal getting can feel so uncomfortable. It brings up so much internally for all of us.
And that element is: your patterns.
Learning to handle your good and bad patterns, your emotional patterns, procrastination patterns, and more is critical if you are going to get out of your own way, and start making huge strides in your business and life.
The tricky things about patterns is, however, that they can feel impossible to change, especially if you’ve been grappling with yours for life.
However, I’ve got a truth nugget for you: Your patterns aren’t impossible to change at all.
In fact, with a few super-simple tools and tricks, you can put yourself on your way to breaking your most challenging patterns today.
That’s why I wanted to loop you in on that conversation I had a while back with Entrepreneur, called The Goal Standard.
This was a challenge shortly after New Year’s in 2017 where a group of entrepreneurs teamed up to provide guidance and support to people looking to achieve their goals.
I’ve included a throwback video of me below from that challenge that I did that’s all about staying motivated towards your goals.
Inside this video, I dive into 5 tools you can put into play right now to shift your patterns and find crystal clear direction:
- An exercise that pinpoints your patterns, and turns your limiting beliefs into limitless beliefs [-53:00]
- An easy step you can take right now to help you be more productive today [-46:00]
- The reason why I keep post-it notes all over my apartment (even inside my fridge!) [-47:31]
- The best way to manage your emotions when you get thrown off or distracted during the day [-43:50]
- A variation on a traditional to-do list that will help you get more done, sooner! [-19:43]
There’s tremendous power in shifting your limiting belief towards limitless beliefs, and becoming aware of your patterns that are holding you back.
The truth is, you have everything you already need to make these shift happen, and move forward with clarity and drive.
I hope this served you in some way, and please let me know how it showed up for you in the comments below!
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